
3rd Printing Face Shields



During the quarantine I also had the opportunity to be a virtual TA for a weeklong summer camp. This camp was focused on introducing Elementary and Middle school children to the Mathcounts competition through lessons and collaborative work. Due to the lockdown in place, this class happened virtually, which gave me, as a TA, the opportunity to create and present detailed solutions over slides.


I was also an instructor for a four week long course on scratch, that was held by my local library. This course was geared towards beginners, and helped introduce kids of all ages to the world of programming. My duties primarily consisted of helping kids become more comfortable in a digital learning environment, answering their programming questions, and creating examples for them to see.

Maintaining our town

Throughout the lockdown, my mom and I made efforts to clean up the campuses of my Elementary, Middle and High school, through picking up litter. We did this during the spring, before the undergrowth grew in. We picked up a cumulative 12 bags of trash!